新绛县王海泉杀人案 高清

9.0 推荐

分类: 伦理片 2017

导演: 김세성


  Lee Ha-yeon is the wife of the heir to Ilsin Group and she has it all: a fancy penthouse, a luxury car and everything else. Lee Ha-yeon gets discovered poisoned and dead in a hotel room. Investigations take place under secrecy and out of ears from the media. But the case is mysterious. No prints of the murderer is found in the hotel room. There are not signs of broken entry either. If it was suicide, then why did she kill herself? If it was murder, then why would anyone kill her? The people around her are suspects. Lee Ha-yeon had a distant sister named Lee Ha-jeong. She's a reporter of a magazine and she has a camera that's so precious. She gets involved with the investigation to unsolve the mystery to her sister's death. Then the shocking truths uncover...it turns out that Lee Ha-yeon had been having porn chats online. It's shocking to find out that the daughter-in-law of a powerful and wealthy plutocrat family has been doing this. Her porn videos were also going around. Then there are the statements from the men she met online that she'd been sexually involved with them several times. Lee Ha-yeon was a quiet lady during the day but a sexual one at night. However, Ha-jeong reveals everything one by one. She finds out that Jae-gyu had been pressurizing Ha-yeon and there's a dark shadow that's been trying to get rid of her. In the end, Ha-jeong stands in front of the dark shadow but there's nothing to protect her. Only her camera. Ha-jeong has to uncover the truth behind her sister's tragic death and put her own life on the line.


  • 然濡 7小时前 :


  • 红可可 7小时前 :


  • 检紫文 6小时前 :


  • 经采莲 5小时前 :


  • 简千秋 7小时前 :


  • 清白秋 5小时前 :


  • 驰鑫 4小时前 :


  • 枚听枫 3小时前 :

    虽然能猜到结尾 但是剧情紧凑很好看 比颁奖季一大堆无聊个人纪录片有意思多了

  • 桥骊萍 8小时前 :


  • 薇帆 3小时前 :


  • 皇又柔 7小时前 :

    6.1/10 故弄玄虚,含混的语调,希式回魂的风格化并不兼容,窗格偷窥的数字化并不彻底,高潮的肉身反杀尤为泄气

  • 柏访曼 3小时前 :


  • 骏强 9小时前 :


  • 栀鑫 8小时前 :

    好 酷/喜欢出门后那一段的表现手法!/每个家里蹲都会有想在家反杀杀人狂的梦想(?

  • 苏灵秀 7小时前 :

    家里有小度 小艾 小雅 现在又来个kimi

  • 梓玲 3小时前 :

    B+ 老派的框架融注当下的话题,视听跟随着女主的主观感知而变化,信手拈来的镜头调度使其不安情绪在内流动(听取信息的叠化镜头、追逐戏的斜角镜头,电子屏幕-窗口的类比与对比绝妙,在物理窗口中仅能凭意识推断的模糊信息却在网络数据中清晰明了,而电影屏幕即是信息交互的透明窗口,观众的焦虑应运而生

  • 钦晓昕 4小时前 :


  • 甄涵蓄 8小时前 :


  • 轩休 5小时前 :


  • 杰桀 6小时前 :



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