
  Alex de Renzy (FEMMES DE SADE, PRETTY PEACHES) was one of the greatest directors of adult films ever, his career starting in the late 60's and preceeding well into the 90's. So saying that BABY FACE, stands as his crowning achievement is no small praise. This ranks as one skinflick that truly has it all, a complete storyline, fine production, and a couple of decent acting performances and some of the hottest sex scenes ever assembled in a single movie.
  Big, lumbering Dan Roberts stars as the hapless construction worker who has to go into hiding following his seduction of underage but willing Priscilla (Lyn Cuddles Malone) which incurs the wrath of her religious fanatic of a man. After a near-fatal accident leaves him unconsciously drifting in the bay, he is saved by fan favorites Amber Hunt (FIONA ON FIRE) and Linda Wong (SWEET CAKES) who clean him up and then some. Hunt comes up with the brilliant idea of taking him to the Training Camp, a brothel catering exclusively for rich women and run by her aunt, affectionately referred to as the Champ.
  This fancy cathouse provides the perfect backdrop for the movie's myriad sexual situations, nearly all of them handled with great style and enthusiasm by cast and filmmaker alike, shot through with a wickedly subversive humor. Standout scenes include gentle giant Roberts tender initiation of the eager Malone, their contrast in size providing an instant thrill all by itself, and the late great Kristine Heller taking on pretty much all the guys present in what has to stand as the single greatest gang bang sequence ever committed to film or video.


  • 公冶半双 4小时前 :

    不是一个靠激动人心的冒险故事驱动的电影,Stan幻想中的秘密登月计划只占了非常小的部分,全片都是在讲太空竞赛时期休斯顿郊区儿童丰富多彩的童年生活,喜不喜欢这部电影取决于你喜不喜欢怀旧,我看评论区有人说咱跟美国生活没共鸣,come on,大家都是从小孩子长大的,无论是跟朋友一起玩,还是周末看电视,总有一件两件事是联结我们所有人的吧?旁白娓娓道来理查德·林克莱特的美妙台词,像一部精彩的童年回忆录,我被深深迷住了

  • 后云霞 1小时前 :


  • 哲振 3小时前 :


  • 妍香 8小时前 :

    +,除缺少核心意义外,几乎用老套的报菜名流水账达到了月球漫步时父亲所说的“it looks super casual”的目的。

  • 向朋兴 2小时前 :


  • 卫晓丽 4小时前 :

    somehow ironic, somehow nihilistic, yet still beautiful and new

  • 在永思 6小时前 :


  • 怀梓柔 2小时前 :


  • 冷成化 1小时前 :


  • 仙骞魁 6小时前 :


  • 夫天晴 0小时前 :


  • 平吉 1小时前 :


  • 宦馨欣 4小时前 :

    3.5星 动画版的关于导演童年回忆的电影 以登月为背景编了一个故事来描述童年生活的方方面面 有少年视角下美国六十年代全方位的流行文化 也有发生在休斯顿郊区充满欢乐的童年记忆 怀旧又让人羡慕

  • 坚寄灵 7小时前 :


  • 尉迟又槐 3小时前 :


  • 凌梦 7小时前 :


  • 俊枫 7小时前 :


  • 左依秋 4小时前 :

    是人类历史性的一刻,不过当往后回想起,真正留存下来的模糊记忆片段是八九岁在太空乐园精力耗尽的一天之后阖家围坐电视机前守直播,跟困意作斗争失败窝在沙发里昏沉睡去。随后母亲替他调整了睡姿,把他的双腿搁在自己腿上。"You could drift off, knowing everything was going to be fine. And you'd wake up the next morning in your bed." 会怀念童年时这种可以在行驶的车厢里毫无顾虑地安心睡去的special comfort.

  • 子桀 5小时前 :


  • 幸思云 7小时前 :



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